Independent Development

(Jan 2023 - Present)

My partner and I together are making a personal project made un Unreal Engine 5. I’m working mainly as a level designer but as a two person team, I also take on other roles like technical and gameplay designer among others.

The name of the game is Travel On, Pigeon! and its available on and Steam

Level Designer

I am designing all the maps for the game. I take care of the initial concept for each map, its paper prototype iterations, the whiteboxing iterations in UE5 and the placement of final assets.

As part of my level design responsibilities I work telling the story of the game with environmental storytelling.

A detailed explanation of the level design for the game in general and of each individual level can be found here!

I also keep a development blog on this game which you can check it out here.

Game Designer

Alongside my partner we work as game designers for this game. Together we define the mechanics and systems that the game has, then after implementing them we test these and make any adjustments necessary.

To keep the development process as smooth as possible, I update the documentation on the design of the game in the GDD each time we make any change.

Technical Designer

I work defining the setting of all the features that my partner creates as the programmer. As the project progresses I’m taking on more of these responsibilities.

As part of this role I document the technical side of the game inside the GDD.