UI, Materials and More
Last week we worked on the UI and on polishing a list of small details that have been piling up for some time
Polish & Environmental Design
Since January we started working on placing the assets in the levels while polishing specific details of the levels.
Level 8 & Environment Feel
Last week I worked on making level 8 while my partner worked on creating the lighting for the levels and adding animations to the world.
Level 7 & Tools
During last week my partner fixed an issue we had with the rotating enemies’s movement and implemented some tools to facilitate the placement of environment art. Meanwhile, I focused on making the 7th level of the game, where we introduce the rotating enemies.
Improving Levels 5 and 6
Last week I worked on improving the levels 5 and 6 based on the feedback we received during the latest tests. From my partner's side, she updated the tilemap to now show the road the character can take and also worked on updating the color palette.
Testing the 3rd Build
Last week we made new user tests, focused on checking the new UI, pacing, tutorial of mechanics and general layout of the levels was working
Fixing the Pacing - Part 3
During this week I work designing the 6th level where the player is introduced to the ½ tempo tiles
Fixing the Pacing - Part 2
Last week I focused on making the 5th level and fixing small issues in all the previous levels
Improving the pacing - part 1
Last week we started working on fixing the issues observed during the last playtest. On my side I worked designing the new level progression to improve the pacing and the effectiveness of the tutorials in the game
Testing the 2nd Test Build
Last week we made a new build with the improvements we worked on and tested it with new people
Core Improvements
This week our focus was on implementing improvements based on the results of the last play test
Testing the 1st Test Build & Planning
Last week we made a build to test with players that haven’t played the game before, from it we noted some things that need improving but also we learned that the game is in better state than we expected
Making the 1st Test Build
Last week we finished placing all assets with functional colors, after which we sat down to define what else was missing for the first build
Assets for the City, part 2
This week I finished placing all the assets we have ready in the levels and applied temporary textures to the assets to help define final colors.
Assets for city 1, part 1
After last week’s work we decided to stop making new levels for now and focus on finishing the first city with assets and all mechanics and systems polished
Polishing City 1 and Planning Level 7
Last week I worked on polishing the levels I had finished and started iterating ideas for level 7
Levels 1, 2 & 3
We have officially started production and in the first week I made the first 3 levels