
After our vacations and a few weeks working in the pre-production of the final game we are ready to start development in force. During pre-production we defined even further the aesthetics of the game both visually and audio wise, defined clearly what are levels and how they relate to each other, determined what new mechanics we will need, created a general outline for the plot of the game and made the initial planning for the whole development in as much detail as it is possible at the moment.

With the aesthetics we focused on creating different pallets for each city and making sure the colors didn’t distract the player from playing the game.

Now that we have a set idea of the kinds of music we are going to use, we started looking for the musician we will hire to make it.

For the levels we decided to divide them in groups defined by cities, each city having a feeling and common mechanics. Knowing this allowed us to plan what assets we need and select with which city and mechanics I’m going to start working to create levels.


Levels 1, 2 & 3


The demo